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CNN's Kate Bennett h as more.","descriptionText":"T.J. Maxx and Marshalls are distancing themselves from the Ivanka Trump brand. They've instructed employees not to highlight Trump merchandise on standalone racks. CNN's Kate Bennett has more.","title":"Melania Trump refiles lawsuit seeking $150M","duration":"02:28","sourceName":"CNN","sourceLink":"","videoCMSUrl":"/video/data/3.0/video/politics/2017/02/08/melania-trump-lawsuit-newday.cnn/index.xml","videoId":"politics/2017/02/08/melania-trump-lawsuit-newday.cnn","videoImage":"//","videoUrl":"/videos/politics/2017/02/08/melania-trump-lawsuit-newday.cnn/video/playlists/melania-trump/","description":"First Lady Melania Trump has refiled a lawsuit seeking $150 million, arguing that a now-retracted Daily Mail Online article has damaged her reputation.","descriptionText":"First Lady Melania Trump has refiled a lawsuit seeking $150 million, arguing that a no w-retracted Daily Mail Online article has damaged her reputation.","title":"Donald and Melania Trump share first dance","duration":"01:21","sourceName":"CNN","sourceLink":"","videoCMSUrl":"/video/data/3.0/video/politics/2017/01/21/president-donald-trump-melania-trump-first-dance-inaugural-ball-bts.cnn/index.xml","videoId":"politics/2017/01/21/president-donald-trump-melania-trump-first-dance-inaugural-ball-bts.cnn","videoImage":"//","videoUrl":"/videos/politics/2017/01/21/president-donald-trump-melania-trump-first-dance-inaugural-ball-bts.cnn/video/playlists/melania-trump/","description":"Donald and Melania Trump dance to a live cover of Frank Sinatra's "My Way" for their first dance as the 45th President and the new first Sprinkler System Installation Richardson lady -- joined later by the vice preside nt and his wife, followed by both of their families.","descriptionText":"Donald and Melania Trump dance to a live cover of Frank Sinatra's "My Way" for their first dance as the 45th President and the new first lady -- joined later by the vice president and his wife, followed by both of their families.","title":"Melania Trump ... before she was first lady-in-waiting","duration":"01:52","sourceName":"CNN","sourceLink":"","videoCMSUrl":"/video/data/3.0/video/politics/2016/11/11/melania-online-moos-pkg-erin.cnn/index.xml","videoId":"politics/2016/11/11/melania-online-moos-pkg-erin.cnn","videoImage":"//","videoUrl":"/videos/politics/2016/11/11/melania-online-moos-pkg-erin.cnn/video/playlists/melania-trump/","description":"See Melania Trump's Facebook videos. 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CNNMoney's Cristina Alesci reports on the First Lady's brand.","descriptionText":"Melania Trump has filed a lawsuit against the Mail Online for damages to her brand, causing ethics experts to question if she intends to profit from her time in the White House. CNNMoney's Cristina Alesci reports on the First Lady's brand.","title":"Ivanka, Melania brands in the spotlight ","duration":"02:25","sourceName":"CNN","sourceLink":"","videoCMSUrl":"/video/data/3.0/video/politics/2017/02/09/melania-trump-lawsuit-merchandise-bennett-ac-pkg.cnn/index.xml","videoId":"politics/2017/02/09/melania-trump-lawsuit-merchandise-bennett-ac-pkg.cnn","videoImage":"//","videoUrl":"/videos/politics/2017/02/09/melania-trump-lawsuit-merchandise-bennett-ac-pkg.cnn/video/playlists/melania-trump/","description":"T.J. Maxx and Marshalls are distancing themselves from the Ivanka Trump brand. They've instructed employees not to highlight Trump merchandise on standalone racks. CNN's Kate Bennett has more.","descriptionText":"T.J. Maxx and Marshalls are distancing themselves from the Ivanka Trump brand. They've instructed employees not to highlight Trump merchandise on standalone racks. CNN's Kate Bennett has more.","title":"Melania Trump refiles lawsuit seeking $150M","duration":"02:28","sourceName":"CNN","sourceLink":"","videoCMSUrl":"/video/data/3.0/video/politics/2017/02/08/melania-trump-lawsuit-newday.cnn/index.xml","videoId":"politics/2017/02/08/melania-trump-lawsuit-newday.cnn","videoImage":"//","videoUrl":"/videos/politics/2017/02/08/melania-trump-lawsuit-newday.cnn/video/playlists/melania-trump/","description":"First Lady Melania Trump has refiled a lawsuit seeking $150 million, arguing that a now-retracted Daily Mail Online article has damaged her reputation.","descriptionText":"First Lady Melania Trump has refiled a lawsuit seeking $150 million, arguing that a now-retracted Daily Mail Online article has damaged her reputation.","title":"Donald and Melania Trump share first dance","duration":"01:21","sourceName":"CNN","sourceLink":"","videoCMSUrl":"/video/data/3.0/video/politics/2017/01/21/president-donald-trump-melania-trump-first-dance-inaugural-ball-bts.cnn/index.xml","videoId":"politics/2017/01/21/president-donald-trump-melania-trump-first-dance-inaugural-ball-bts.cnn","videoImage":"//","videoUrl":"/videos/politics/2017/01/21/president-donald-trump-melania-trump-first-dance-inaugural-ball-bts.cnn/video/playlists/melania-trump/","description":"Donald and Melania Trump dance to a live cover http://www.sergioslands of Frank Sinatra's "My Way" for their first dance as the 45th President and the new first lady -- joined later by the vice president and his wife, followed by both of their families.","descriptionText":"Donald and Melania Trump dance to a live cover of Frank Sinatra's "My Way" for their first dance as the 45th President and the new first lady -- joined later by the vice president and his wife, followed by both of their families.","title":"Melania Trump ... before she was first lady-in-waiting","duration":"01:52","sourceName":"CNN","sourceLink":"","videoCMSUrl":"/video/data/3.0/video/politics/2016/11/11/melania-online-moos-pkg-erin.cnn/index.xml","videoId":"politics/2016/11/11/melania-online-moos-pkg-erin.cnn","videoImage":"//","videoUrl":"/videos/politics/2016/11/11/melania-online-moos-pkg-erin.cnn/video/playlists/melania-trump/","description":"See Melani a Trump's Facebook videos. CNN's u003ca href="">Jeanne Moosu003c/a> rummages through her social media.","descriptionText":"See Melania Trump's Facebook videos. CNN's u003ca href="">Jeanne Moosu003c/a> rummages through her social media.","title":"Melania Trump: From Slovenia to the White House","duration":"03:32","sourceName":"CNN","sourceLink":"","videoCMSUrl":"/video/data/3.0/video/world/2016/10/19/phil-black-melania-trump-hometown-slovenia.cnn/index.xml","videoId":"world/2016/10/19/phil-black-melania-trump-hometown-slovenia.cnn","videoImage":"//","videoUrl":"/videos/world/2016/10/19/phil-black-melania-trump-hometown-slovenia.cnn/video/playlists/melania-trump/","description":"Melania Trump, aspiring US first lady, hails from the small town of Sevnica in Slovenia. CNN's Phil Black talks to those who knew her before she met Donald.","descriptionText":"Melania Trump, aspiring US first lady, hails from the small town of Sevnica in Slovenia. CNN's Phil Black talks to those who knew her before she met Donald.","title":"Who is Melania Trump?","duration":"01:45","sourceName":"CNN","sourceLink":"","videoCMSUrl":"/video/data/3.0/video/tv/2015/11/12/melania-trump-profile-kaye-dnt-ac.cnn/index.xml","videoId":"tv/2015/11/12/melania-trump-profile-kaye-dnt-ac.cnn","videoImage":"//","videoUrl":"/videos/tv/2015/11/12/melania-trump-profile-kaye-dnt-ac.cnn/video/playlists/melania-trump/","description":"Until now Melania Trump has been the woman quietly standing by her husband's side. Now we're starting to hear more from the woman who could one day be First Lady. CNN's u003ca href="">Randi Kayeu003c/a> reports.","descriptionText":"Until now Melania Trump has been the woman quietly standing by her husband's side. Now we're starting to hear more from the woman who could one day be First Lady. CNN's u003ca href="">Randi Kayeu003c/a> reports."],'js-video_headline-featured-oykagz','',"js-video_source-featured-oykagz",true,true,'melania-trump');if (typeof configObj.context !== 'string' || configObj.context.length
In Margereson & Hancock v JW Roberts Ltd (1996) two children, the plaintiffs, who grew up playing close to a factory, later had cancer because they were exposed to asbestos dust from the factory. The plaintiffs sued.
Despite the fact that the damage suffered was removed from the time the plaintiffs were close to the factory, they were successful. The court held that it was foreseeable that the defendants' negligence in allowing the contaminants to escape would lead to some type of illness or other to anyone that came in contact with the pollutants and that illness may be detached from the time the victims were exposed to the contaminants.
Delay in the impact of being exposed to pollutants is a facet of environmental damage and illnesses incurred as a result of being exposed to fumes and dusts released from factories often manifest or materialize at a later time or place.
In OLL v Secretary of State for the Home Department (1996) 8 boys, 2 teachers and an instruct or were lost during a canoeing trip. A report was lodged and the coastguard was called in to locate them. They were subsequently found but soon after 4 of the boys died and the others suffered from hypothermia. An action was brought against the organizers who in turn brought an action against the coastguard. The second claim was unsuccessful.
The duty that is owed by the coast guard is similar to that which is owed by the police in that; they do not per se owe members of the public a duty of care.
In this instance, however one looks at it, it is difficult to hold the coastguard accountable or responsible especially given the fact that they were called in only after the incident had taken place and it is fair to argue, given the prevailing conditions (weather) the boys, teachers and instructor shouldn't have been out canoeing in the first place.
In Mulcahy v Ministry of Defense (1996) we examine the duty owed by the army to its soldiers. The plaintiff was a soldier deployed during the Gulf War and he was standing too close to a machine gun, a howitzer, and as a result suffered damage to his hearing. Like the example we gave earlier of members of the groundcrew who sustain hearing damage as a result of being exposed to aircraft take-off's or artillery crews suffering hearing damage when the guns are fired, does the army, navy or air force owe its staff a duty of care?
It was held that the army does not owe its servicemen and women a duty of care and the decision is largely one of policy. The number of servicemen and women that incur some form of injury as a result of serving in the armed forces is high and should the armed forces be held accountable for every injury that its Best Attorney College Station men and women suffer, it would have to pay out large figures in damages each year. A majority of cases however go unreported.
It is also fair to say that the rules with regards or reference to the employer-employee relationship are not applicable to the armed forces.
Let's look at another situation. What happens if the plaintiff was provided with earmuffs or ear protectors and suffered hearing impairment as a result of defective earmuffs? Does the plaintiff have an action against the defense contractor(s) who supplied the earmuffs?
In R v Corydon Health Authority (1997) the plaintiff went for a chest x-ray which was a routine requireme nt prior to commencing employment and the radiologist negligently failed to report a significant abnormality. The plaintiff subsequently became pregnant and was diagnosed with PPH (primary pulmonary hypertension), which could be aggravated or worsened by pregnancy. The plaintiff had the child but became progressively depressive as a result of believing that her life expectancy had been reduced. The plaintiff sued for psychiatric illness.
It was held that the defendant Attorney College Station was liable but the damages were reduced in lieu of the fact that the decision to become pregnant was that of the plaintiff. The plaintiff might not have become pregnant if she had known the facts but it is a matter of proving that in court and in this instance the best option was to probably divide the respon sibility.
In Church of Latter-Day Saints v Yorkshire Fire and Civil Defense Authority (1997) the plaintiffs' premises was on fire and the plaintiffs called in the fire brigade. When the fire brigade arrived, they realized that the fire hydrants did not have adequate water supply and as a result they couldn't put out the fire.
The fire department in addition to firefighting duties is also tasked with the regular inspection and maintenance of fire hydrants. The plaintiffs sued.
The courts held that there was no duty owed. The decision is largely based on public policy and to prevent the fire department from being encumbered by additional liability.
The world's largest photography competition, the 2016 Sony World Photography Awards announced its Grand Prize winners.
Iranian photographer Asghar Khamseh, who works for the Mehr News Agency, won the "Iris d'Or Photographer of the Year and the $25,000 prize for a powerful series of portraits of acid attack victims, "Fire of Hatred."
Here are the winners and finalists, chosen from a record-breaking 230,103 entries, in 14 documentary and fine art professional categories -- each judged on a body of work. They winners were selected from a shortlist, announced in February 2016. Winners and shortlisted work will be on exhibit at Somerset House, London from April 22-May 8, 2016.
Landscape winner - "Land of Nothingness"
Maroesjka Lavigne, Belgium
A country named after a desert. One of the least densely populated places on earth, Namibia's landscape draws you in, through a vast brown plain of scorched earth, and steers you over the white surface of a salt pan to finally arrive in the gold tones of the sand dunes.
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Love these photos? Then you'll love Houzz, the ultimate site for finding interior design ideas -- along with the remodeling professi onals, local residential architects and home builders in your area who can carry out your dream home visions.
TORONTO As climate change makes longer, drier summers a reality in many parts of the world, a new trend in landscaping is taking root in Canada.
In Toronto, where precipitation levels were 52 percent below the seasonal average over the past six months, according to government data, residents are trading in their manicured lawns for environmentally friendly organic landscapes.
"Irrigation is a huge issue as water is such a valuable resource," said Claire Suo-Cockerton of landscaping company Aesthetic Earthworks. "We are trying to plant material that is more appropriate today in our climate."
Organic landscapers use drought resistant plants and shrubs native to the region, which encourage the development micro-organisms in the soil. This attracts birds and insects to act as natural pest and disease control.
A well-man aged organic landscape is self-sustaining, whereas a traditional yard needs to be watered at least once per week, Suo-Cockerton said.
"It's a drastic lifestyle change for those who incorporate it in their homes," she added.
But the change may be a bit too drastic for average homeowner.
Kevin MacDonald, operations manager of Humber Nurseries near Toronto, said he hasn't seen an increase in the sale of native plants and shrubs. He said the downside to native plants is they are more susceptible to native insects.
"By planting a cultivated variety, that is non-native, you may not end up with diseases and insect problems, simply because the diseases and insects that would traditionally attack that plant are not found in the new location," he said.
Still, the main reason why traditional gardens remain popular may be purely aesthetic.
"In most cases homeowners will have a preference for what looks best," MacDonald said.
While the bare shrubs and woodchips of an organic landscape don't quite have the curb appeal of an ornamental garden, commercial and residential buildings looking to go green are picking up on the trend.
"From a developer's standpoint it's a great marketing tool because people are becoming very conscious of the environment," said Melissa Ferrato of the Canada Green Building Council (CGBG).
The CGBG uses the leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) standard developed in the United States to measure the "green factor" of a building. Avoiding pesticides, lawnmowers and leafblowers all reduce a building's carbon footprint, contributing to a higher LEED score.
"Native, organic plants is what we're all about," said Ferrato. "We really discourage the use of manicured lawns and pesticides."
While organic landscaping is only now gaining popularity in the private sector, it has long been used by city parks departments.
"We've been moving away from traditional lawns for many years now," said Patricia Landry a liaison officer at the Toronto parks department. "We are using plants able to withstand drought, pollution and the changing climate."
Organic landscaping makes economic sense for urban municipalities, Landry said. Less money is spent on labor and irrigation. And reintroducing native plants provides habitat for birds and smallÃ _eau animals.
While efforts to convert Toronto's ornamental flowerbeds to organic gardens were met with public opposition, some of th e cultivated annuals were swapped with native plants.
"It's about trying to keep a balance," said Landry. "Finding different ways to keep those areas a little more environmentally friendly."
Landscapers are the elves of Mother Earth, giving her life, keeping her beautiful and healing her wounds. In return, the earth gives high doses of Vitamin D and a way to earn a living. on a potential customer, and it could mean the difference between them choosing you or your competitor.
Since most regions have lots of different landscaping companies, you're going to face s ome stiff competition. You need something that will set you above the rest right off the bat. Your business needs to sound professional as well as unique and catchy!
Here's a list of 50 names to help you get some inspiration.
Brainstorming Tips
When brainstorming, keep the following in mind:
Use your industry: Have a name that indicates what type of company you are, even if you don't say it directly.
Use your specialty: If you specialize in something specific such as landscape design, make this clear since it can help you attract a different set of customers.
Use rhymes: Rhymes just have this way of sticking in someone's head, and the stickier your name, the better!
Use your own name: You own this company, right? Be proud! There is nothing wrong with that. Bonus points if there is a clever way to squeeze it in.
Use your location: Your town or street name could be a good source of identity and inspiration. Be sure it doesn't lim it you, however. Who knows where you'll grow!
Keep it simple: Your first or last name + Landscaping is a great name for a company.
Is it brandable? You're competing with some top-dog companies for the spotlight.
Does it have the green light online? Check for available web domains and social networking pages to see how common the name is.
Does it really stand out? Keep in mind your local competition and steer clear of any names that sound similar.
Is it easy for the average person to spell and pronounce? This will help your name be memorable.
What are the most popular or biggest landscaping companies in your region called? Use them as examples of what works.
Now that you know what to look for in a name, it's time for you to start making a list of your own. Write down 100 names and don't stop until you do! Let some of them be bad. It's ok ay. It's all part of the process.
Deciding on a Business Name
After you've made a list of potential names, you will then begin to chop and hack away at it to narrow it down to the ones that are really good.
Ask for help if you are the indecisive type; you might be surprised at the ideas in the heads of others! And let's face it, people are pretty opinionated, and this is a time when you really want peoples' true opinions.
If all else fails, find inspiration in your work, whether it's cutting grass or planting a new garden. It just might plant the seed that you need to grow a few ideas!